Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bliss & Ecoya - Back Together Again!

We're a little bit smitten with our latest squeeze Ecoya. We had a brief fling early last year but it didn't last... We were shattered to say the least so when the aforementioned delicious dish looked our way again recently we jumped at the chance to bask in that glorious puppy love once again. We're now looking forward to a long and harmonious union!

We have stocked up an all the beautiful fragrant candles Ecoya have on offer and we really want to share them with you.

Ecoya are an Australian company based in Botany Bay who make all natural soy candles and beauty products.  Here's a quick rundown on why soy candles differ from others. Most candles on the market today are made from paraffin wax which is a by product of petroleum refining and as such can often emit unpleasant vapours into your home.  Soy candles burn cleaner and are non-toxic. They also burn at a lower temperature than other waxes and any spills can be cleaned easily with hot soapy water. Because they burn slower than other candles they will last longer too. And finally soy, unlike paraffin, is a renewable resource.

So, now you've had your science lesson lets get to the good bit. The fragrances...

WILD FRANGIPANI - voluptuous with complex buttery intricacies and subtle nuances of rose. A fragrance that builds in layers throughout burn.
FRENCH PEAR - spicy cinnamon, star anise characteristics reminiscent of stewed apples with crumble. Hints of all spice, juniper berries, cranberries, nutmeg and tropical fruit.

LEMONGRASS & GINGER - clean and refreshing citrus, lemon thyme and lime. Well balanced - not heavy handed. Hints of African mint.

LOTUS FLOWER - elusive, pineapple, sweet cotton candy notes with a light floral aspect, almost lavender. Warm floral and comforting.

SWEET PEA & JASMINE - light, refreshing, watermelon and cucumber tones, refreshing notes of lavender.

VANILLA BEAN - butterscotch and vanilla tones, mouth watering and edible. Rich, luxurious, dense and full with hints of caramel and toffee.

Need we say anymore?

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